Automatic update of publication date

A proven way to increase the number of views of your ad is to republish your ad. Now we provide an opportunity to automatically update the date of publication of the announcement at least every day, which raises your ad to the top list, and also informs potential customers that the announcement is relevant at the moment.


The cost of updating the ads is 200 UAH per update every day within a month, 125 UAH for an update every other day, 100 UAH - every 3 days, 50 UAH for updating every 7 days.

Period of promotion

The minimum period for ordering a service is 30 days. It is possible to replace the announcement during the term of the service.


Discount depends from the amount of ad and is a subject of personal agreement.


If you sell apartment, rent apartment or offer your property for vacation rentals, if you are real estate professional - just invest some small money for advertisement and it will repaid. Of course you can choose a strategy where you decide not to invest any penny and just publish my property listings for free. But it seems there is a good reason to invest some money into your own success. Especially when sum of investment is less than one visit to supermarket for buy food. At the same time paid ad will bring you much more potencial customers. Just think about it!

Call right now +38 098 159 90 20
or mail us.

Please note that this is the phone number of the site's advertising department. We are not a real estate agency. Concerning search of the real estate address by phones specified in announcements.

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