Website analytics

When choosing an advertising platform, it is important to know the statistics of the site where you are going to place ads. According to the statistics of our site, you can be sure of the stability of its work and development. As of June 7, 2021, the traffic of our site is at the level of 16,000 visitors per day.

Website traffic

Site traffic by days from May 8, 2021 to June 6, 2021.

Site traffic by months from June 2020 to May 2021 inclusive.

Traffic sources

The main source of traffic to our site is search engines, the main one is Google, in second place are direct actions to the site from users, followed by traffic from systems that take information from us on a partnership basis, followed by social networks and other sources.

Geo location. Countries

Most visitors come to the site from Ukraine, followed by the United States, Ukrainians living in Poland, Italy also actively use our site, followed by other countries (the site has an English version of the site).

Geo location. Cities

As of June 7, 2021, most visitors come to the site from Lviv, followed by Kyiv, followed by the cities of Lviv region and other cities, such as Dnipro and Warsaw.

Visitors age

The site includes all ages of visitors. From 18 years to 65 years and above.


Demographic indicators of attendance is almost evenly divided.

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